Rénovation Appartement Paris Express
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Renovation of your flat in Paris, France
Renovation designates the operations by which a building or one of its elements sees its condition improved, by the use of new, modern materials to replace damaged or obsolete parts. Most often it is a new construction after total demolition. This demolition postpones the renovation of the restoration, restoration to the initial state, and rehabilitation, which aims to reopen a closed place, or open but not to the most recent standards. Renovation is sometimes part of a conversion or restructuring plan.
It can be a district or a city; we then speak of urban renewal (with in France a National Agency for Urban Renewal (ANRU) or urban renewal, possibly in the context of the city rebuilt on itself to limit peri-urbanization and its harmful environmental and land effects.
A well-thought-out and well-conducted renovation can considerably improve the energy efficiency of a building (even make it energy positive, and possibly integrate a biodiversity/carbon sink dimension and adaptation to climate change. But it is also a source of materials, energy, water and waste that can be more or less well managed. Mid-2017 Promotelec launched a new “”Responsible renovation label”” to promote the carbon impact of building operation; completing the label “E+C positive energy and carbon reduction label” which takes into account the carbon impact in new construction.